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Viridis Garden Hy-Phos Foliar Feed

Viridis Garden Hy-Phos Foliar Feed

Viridis Garden Hy-Phos contains all 3 major nutrients, but particularly high levels of phosphate along with a further 5 micro nutrients, it is suitable for all crops and with a high phosphate content is well suited to use as a starter fertiliser to stimulate root growth. Especially suitable for cold wet soils or strongly P-fixing soils.


Most annual plants (plants that grow, reproduce and die in one year) require large amounts of phosphorus as they begin to grow. Plants grown in cold weather which have limited roots and rapid top growth, such as lettuce, are high phos- phorus users. Legumes also require plentiful amounts of phosphorus.

  • Product Information

    Viridis Garden Hy-Phos is readily disssolved in water. Typical application rates are 1g/litre of water, applied through a garden sprayer or a watering can with a fine rose. 

    Analytical Information

    • N13%

      • Nitrate - N                                                                   4.4%

      • Ammoniacal - N                                                        8.6%

    • P2O5                                                                                              40%

    • K2O                                                                                                 13%

    • B                                                                                                0.025%

    • Cu                                                                                                 0.01%

    • Fe                                                                                                  0.07%

    • Mn                                                                                                0.04%

    • Mo                                                                                             0.004%

    • Zn                                                                                                0.025%

    • Chloride Free

  • Safety Information

    Store in cool dry conditions. Keep away from children, pets and food. Wash hands well after use. Clean up all spillages as soon as possible. Avoid spreading near garden ponds and water courses and dispose of the empty container responsibly. 

    Our trace elements are  of the highest grade and contains very little dust, but to be safe please protect your eyes and mouth with appropriate PPE whilst handling and spreading.  

PriceFrom £5.99
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