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Doxstar Pro

Doxstar Pro

Doxstar Pro contains the following:

100g/litre fluroxypyr & 100g/litre triclopyr


Full Label HERE


  • Product Information

    Doxstar Pro® is a foliar acting herbicide for the control of all dock species and chickweed in established grassland. This product is rainfast in 2 hours giving it an edge over any other dock weed killer. Doxstar Pro® also has one of the quickest grazing intervals which allows you to return livestock to treated areas after 7 days.

    Dock weeds are perennial broad-leaved weeds that grow in grassland, gardens and woodland; they are a particularly difficult weed to manage due to their large leaves and roots combined with their tough and waxy exterior. Docks can re-populate at a rapid rate as seeds can be produced in abundance if left on a surface and they can also be imported via manure. They have a thick branched root which can regrow and re-populate if damaged; because of this it is important not to disturb dock weeds by trying to pull them out of the ground as they can easily snap. Docks can be hard to control once they have become established and in some cases it can take several years to fully eradicate them. Whilst mowing, rolling and grazing with sheep will help keep it at bay, they will not remove the problem. The only way to fully control is with a targeted application of herbicide.

    Doxstar Pro® is one of the best products on the market for controlling tough docks in grassland. You will need to keep horses and livestock out of the treated area until poisonous weeds such as ragwort have died and become completely unpalatable.

    Max Application rate is just 0.2ml per litre of water, or 2ml in a 10 litre garden sprayer. Treat docks at the rosette stage up to 20cm across. 

  • Safety Information

    Safe Use of Pesticides

    The purchaser and/or end users are responsible for ensuring that these products are used in line with industry Approved Codes of Practice. All operators must be trained and certificated in using and applying any Ministry Approved professional product.

    You must ensure the end user of these products complies with the DEFRA/HSE Code for the Safe use of Pesticides:

    "By law, everyone who uses pesticides professionally must have received adequate training in using pesticides safely and be skilled in the job they are carrying out."

    When purchasing this product you and/or the end users are responsible for ensuring that these products are used in line with industry Approved Codes of Practice. All operators must be trained and certificated in using and applying any Ministry Approved Professional Product (MAPP). Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use. Please be aware that by proceeding you are purchasing a professional pesticide product. You must ensure the end user of these products complies with the DEFRA/HSE Code for the Safe use of Pesticides. There are legal responsibilities covering the storage and use of professional use pesticides. These responsibilities are covered by The Food and Environment Protection Act 1985 (FEPA) and Control of Pesticide Regulations 1986 (COPR).

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